Georgia Green Loans, a non-profit organization that works to help grow eco-friendly small businesses, products and services, is launching the Save & Sustain program, designed to help small businesses with energy costs.
Energy costs represent a significant percentage of revenue for small businesses–in some sectors as high as 20 percent. But through the Save & Sustain program qualified businesses will receive a grant toward an energy assessment and a low interest loan to make improvements to facilities and equipment. The program is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 in cooperation with the Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (GEFA).
“Any small business in the state of Georgia looking to reduce their energy consumption can apply to be part of the program,” Matt Ryder, vice president of programs for Georgia Green Loans said. “We’re ready to help businesses reduce their overall cost of operations while doing their part to protect our planet.” Ryder, a veteran of the operations consulting industry, has an extensive background in helping businesses trim operating costs. As part of Save & Sustain, Ryder will help businesses calculate savings and return on investment for energy efficiency projects.
Innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Georgia received $10 million in competitive grant funds through the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Competitive Grant Program administered by GEFA. The program, which was launched in July 2009, funded 16 projects as a result of the ARRA, including the Save & Sustain program.
The definition of small business follows U.S. Small Business Administration guidelines, generally under 500 employees. Loans for up to $50,000 are available.
To contact Matt Ryder, call 404.863.3510 or e-mail him at
About Georgia Green Loans (
Georgia Green Loans offers loans of up to $35,000 to businesses who provide a green service or product or who are seeking to operate more sustainably.
About the Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (
The Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (GEFA) provides financial assistance and administers programs that encourage stewardship of the environment and promote economic development statewide. GEFA is the lead state agency for energy planning and alternative fuels; manages the Governor’s Energy Challenge and the Georgia Land Conservation Program; maintains state-owned fuel storage tanks; and offers financing for reservoir and water supply, water quality, storm water and solid waste infrastructure.
Appalachian Community Enterprises