London’s Cookies and Sweets is a bakery business that specializes in custom cookies and cookie desserts! The custom cookies are personalized to meet each client’s vision.  Each order is handmade and made with high quality ingredients to make them extra tasty.

We asked Natasha to provide a quote about her experience with ACE WBC: “From the first moment I contacted ACE WBC,  I was greeted with smiles and encouragement. They provided numerous resources, advice and events to help guide me in the right direction. I will always remember one particular event “ACE Annual Speed Coaching” which became the turning point for my business. I learned so much and was given a lot of information that allowed me to put it towards my business.  Since that event, my business has dramatically increased, my revenue has grown by a high percentage, my social media following grows each week and I continue to learn how to become a better business woman. So thankful for ACE WBC and the amazing staff!”

– Natasha Hyche, Owner of @londonscookiesandsweets