TA Post Loan Assessment BAS Post Loan Assessment Your Name * Your Name First First Last Last Email * Phone * Name of Your Company * What industry are you in: * AgricultureAuto RepairBusiness ServicesEducationFood and BeverageHair and Beauty ServicesHealthcare ServiceManufacturingNon-ProfitReal Estate or HousingRetailTransportationOther What industry are you in: How long have you been in business: * What is your credit score: * Under 500Over 500Over 600Over 700Over 800 How many employees including yourself do you currently have (#FT/#PT): * What is your company's net annual sales: * What is your company's net annual profits: * What is the approximate amount of debt your business has (do not include your ACE loan): * What is the current salary you receive from your business: * Do you have another source of income? * Yes No Are you current on your business rent/lease? * Yes No If no, please explain * If yes, please select a range below: * Less than $10,000$10,001 - $20,000$20,001 - $30,000$30,001 - $40,000$40,001 - $50,000$50,001 - $60,000$60,001 - $70,000$70,001 - $80,000$80,001 - $90,000$90,001 - $100,000$100,001 - $110,000$110,001 - $120,000$120,001 or More What would you say is the current health of your Accounting and Bookkeeping? Do you outsource these services and are your books up to date? * What are the top 3 things you are hoping to accomplish from the assistance you receive from the Business Advisory Service: * For example: "I hope to pay off 2 of my credit cards," "I hope to move my business to a new location by the end of the year," "I'd like to start receiving a salary from my business." If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit