ATLANTA, GA – Key issues in making energy efficiency improvements in your business are the payback period and cash flow. Save & Sustain’s 75% subsidy on energy audits and improvement loans with a 3% fixed interest rate benefit both.
“We have a current client who will save $714 a month in energy costs,” program director Matt Ryder said.  “The loan payment is $269, so profits will increase  $444 per month. What would have been a 21 month payback is now an immediate benefit, right to the bottom line.

Save & Sustain works with energy audit partners to identify areas of energy savings in a commercial facility.  Typical improvements are in lighting, energy management systems, HVAC systems and insulation. New business equipment and appliances may also be recommended. Even those renting space may find areas of improvement. One retail client will save $2,500 per year on a $1,000 investment.

“Commercial building owners typically have two types of energy savings: operational and retrofit,” John Bracey, technical project manager for audit partner Southface Energy Institute, said. “Combining these can achieve significant energy savings, typically 25-35%, with very attractive paybacks.”

Save & Sustain is funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and administered by the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority.  Innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Georgia received $10 million in competitive grant funds through the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Competitive Grant Program administered by GEFA.  The program, which was launched in July 2009, funded 16 projects as a result of the ARRA, including the Save & Sustain program.

To apply for the Save & Sustain program, businesses should contact Matt Ryder, 404-863-3510, or

About Georgia Green Loans (
Georgia Green Loans offers loans to businesses who provide a green service or product or who are seeking to operate more sustainably. Georgia Green Loans is a program of Access to Capital for Entepreneurs (ACE),

About the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (
The Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) provides financial assistance and administers programs that encourage stewardship of the environment and promote economic development statewide. GEFA is the lead state agency for energy planning and alternative fuels; manages the Governor’s Energy Challenge and the Georgia Land Conservation Program; maintains state-owned fuel storage tanks; and offers financing for reservoir and water supply, water quality, storm water and solid waste infrastructure.

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