November 6, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Type
Savannah Region WBC
We are thrilled to present a high-impact, virtual Grant Writing Essentials class tailored exclusively for the Women Business Center of Georgia. This engaging and interactive 3-hour workshop is designed to equip women entrepreneurs with the skills, strategies, and resources necessary to excel in the world of grant writing.
Workshop Outline:
1. Introduction to Grant Writing (30 minutes):
– Overview of the grant writing process and what companies give out grants.
– Key elements of a successful grant proposal
2. Participant Resources: Grant Writing Manual & Foundation Checklist (15 minutes):
– Distribution of a comprehensive Grant Writing Manual
– Foundation to grant writing checklist to ensure a strong proposal foundation
3. Implementation and Strategy (30 minutes):
– Translating business goals into grant-worthy projects
– Crafting a compelling narrative that aligns with funders’ priorities
4. Where to Look for Grants: A Local Focus (30 minutes):
– Curated list of grants available for Georgia-based business owners
– Navigating online grant databases and resources
5. Certification for Grant Eligibility in Georgia (15 minutes):
– Small Business Certification process to enhance grant eligibility
6. Harnessing AI in Grant Writing (15 minutes):
– Introduction to AI-powered tools for efficient grant writing
– Exploring how AI can enhance proposal quality and streamline the writing process
7. Hands-On Grant Writing with AI (1 hour):
– Step-by-step guidance on utilizing AI to craft a comprehensive grant proposal
– Real-time demonstration of AI-assisted proposal creation
The experience of participants:
1. Targeted for Georgia Entrepreneurs: A workshop specifically tailored to address the unique grant-seeking landscape in Georgia, increasing chances of success.
2. Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of seasoned grant writers who will guide you through each step.
3. Practical Application: Experience hands-on grant writing using AI, fostering a deeper understanding of modern tools and techniques
4. Local Grant Insights: Access a curated list of grants available for Georgia businesses, saving you time and effort.
Registration is closed.
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