Getting Started
We value building ongoing relationships with our clients. Therefore, prospective or new clients must attend at least one of our webinars or trainings before scheduling a FREE One-on-One coaching session.
Please visit our calendar of Workshops & Events to view what we have scheduled over the coming weeks.

Individual appointments can be arranged to discuss a specific topic in-depth, at a time that’s convenient to the client. While our Women’s Business Center Programs are geared to women they are open to anyone, at any stage of their business development. The coaching session will last 45 minutes, you will be asked to fill out a Client Intake Form prior to the meeting with the consultant.
For additional questions, please call us at 678-335-5600 #3 or email us at acewbc@aceloans.org.
Request for One-on-One Coaching
Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U. S. Small Business Administration
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance to make the necessary arrangements. Contact acewbc@aceloans.org to make the necessary arrangements.