Makers & Merchants Matchmaking Maker’s Market
April 20, 2023
3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Savannah Region WBC
An event for local makers and local merchants to meet in order to do business together. Local merchants are eager to learn about and purchase goods from a talented Savannah maker like yourself. After participation in all of the pre-event sessions, you will be equipped with a wholesale program that qualifies you and your business to connect with local merchants. You will make valuable connections, establish your products into more retail outlets, and ultimately increase your revenue!
To attend this event, you must have participated in the following pre-event sessions in order to be prepared to meet and sell to local merchants:
- Introduction to Makers & Merchants Matchmaking on March 3rd, 2023
- Wholesale & Pricing Workshop on either March 8th or March 9th, 2023 (you do not need to attend both)
- Marketing/Branding/Packaging Workshop on either March 22nd or March 23rd, 2023 (you do not need to attend both)
- 3 days of In-Person 1:1 Consultation Session from either April 4th – 6th or April 11th – 13th
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Registration is closed.
Warning: Undefined variable $post in
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Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null in
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