
November 6, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type




Savannah Region WBC

We are thrilled to present a high-impact, virtual Grant Writing Essentials class tailored exclusively for the Women Business Center of Georgia. This engaging and interactive 3-hour workshop is designed to equip women entrepreneurs with the skills, strategies, and resources necessary to excel in the world of grant writing.

Workshop Outline:
1. Introduction to Grant Writing (30 minutes):
– Overview of the grant writing process and what companies give out grants.
   – Key elements of a successful grant proposal
2. Participant Resources: Grant Writing Manual & Foundation Checklist (15 minutes):
   – Distribution of a comprehensive Grant Writing Manual 
   – Foundation to grant writing checklist to ensure a strong proposal foundation
3. Implementation and Strategy (30 minutes):
   – Translating business goals into grant-worthy projects
   – Crafting a compelling narrative that aligns with funders’ priorities
4. Where to Look for Grants: A Local Focus (30 minutes):
   – Curated list of grants available for Georgia-based business owners
   – Navigating online grant databases and resources
5. Certification for Grant Eligibility in Georgia (15 minutes):
   – Small Business Certification process to enhance grant eligibility
6. Harnessing AI in Grant Writing (15 minutes):
   – Introduction to AI-powered tools for efficient grant writing
   – Exploring how AI can enhance proposal quality and streamline the writing process
7. Hands-On Grant Writing with AI (1 hour):
   – Step-by-step guidance on utilizing AI to craft a comprehensive grant proposal
   – Real-time demonstration of AI-assisted proposal creation

The experience of participants:
1. Targeted for Georgia Entrepreneurs: A workshop specifically tailored to address the unique grant-seeking landscape in Georgia, increasing chances of success.
2. Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of seasoned grant writers who will guide you through each step.
3. Practical Application: Experience hands-on grant writing using AI, fostering a deeper understanding of modern tools and techniques
4. Local Grant Insights: Access a curated list of grants available for Georgia businesses, saving you time and effort.

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Registration is closed.

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Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact to make the necessary arrangements.