Coffee Power Hour: Doing Business With The Government
April 4, 2025
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Metro Atlanta WBC
Coffee Power Hour is our monthly live Q&A session, providing you with direct access to expert business insights!
Our upcoming session will feature an expert sharing valuable tips on “Doing Business With The Government.”
✅ Position your business for government contracts (local, state, federal)
✅Create and execute a strategic growth plan
✅Learn to bid on contracts under $25K
✅ Strengthen core business competencies
You have the opportunity to submit questions in advance when you register or ask them live during the event. Whether you are seeking professional advice, fresh perspectives, or actionable strategies, this is your chance to engage in a meaningful conversation and gain valuable insights from our expert!
So, grab your favorite mug of coffee or tea and join us for an energizing hour of learning and discussion! ☕💡
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