Loan Products

Small Business Loans

Small Business Loans $50,000 and Under

Designed for for-profit businesses over 2 years old to access additional funds for many business uses.

Commercial Loans

Business Loans Over $50,001, up to $1,000,000

Elevate your established business with a commercial loan from ACE. Additional collateral information is required.

Veteran Loan Program

Loans from $15,000 – $1,000,000

We are pleased to offer our Veteran Loan Program to help more military veterans and their spouses by providing affordable loans and business coaching as they start or grow their own business.

South Georgia Start-Up Loans

Small Business Loans $50,000 and Under

Businesses must be registered and in good standing with the Secretary of State. A business plan and experience in the field will be required.

Not sure if you are ready?

We offer many resources to help your business grow, including preparing you for a business loan. Get started with these free resources!