Introduction to Makers & Merchants Matchmaking (Wednesday 6-7pm)
September 27, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Savannah Region WBC
Are you a maker with a unique product, a creator with a craft, or an artisan with a passion for your work? Or perhaps you’re a merchant looking for exceptional products to stock in your store, boutique, or online shop? You’re in the right place! Our upcoming Makers and Merchants Matchmaking Event on November 2 at the Thompson Hotel is designed to bring together talented creators and enthusiastic retailers, fostering collaboration and partnerships that can lead to mutual success. In this webinar, we’ll provide you with all the essential information you need to make the most of this exciting event. Whether you’re a maker eager to showcase your creations or a merchant seeking exceptional products to add to your inventory, we’ll guide you through the process, highlight the benefits of participating, and answer any questions you may have. Get ready to explore opportunities, discover unique products, and forge valuable connections. Let’s embark on this journey together and make the Makers and Merchants Matchmaking Event a resounding success!Edit Description
Join us on Wednesday Evening from 6-7pm
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Registration is closed.
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